Building a Referral Network

Building a Referral Network

The best way to build a referral network is asking your customers for referrals.  Ask your customers if they can help you…Use that line…Can you help me.  Your customers will be honor to help you in your quest to be successful or be the Best Salesman in your company.  Just ask your customers.


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Guest Posting on Websites that are Relevant

Guest Posting on Websites that are Relevant

Here some examples, sales websites, marketing websites, business journals, newspapers that are business and sale related…THAT WHAT I WOULD DO FOR THIS WEBSITE!!!!!

What I mean by that is going to different website or blogs that have ways to leave comments that you can backlink back to your website.  It works awesome.  Don’t be a spamming saying, “Great Post”, or “I agree”.  Write a small paragraph referencing the blog post or articles or give great example of how you done something relevant about the topic.  AGAIN IT WORKS.  Again look or sound like an expert….

Also I forgot:  How to find websites that are relevant?  Use the power of Google!!!!  Search for your topics…and start POSTING!!!!!

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Join Forums to help your Marketing

Join Forums to help your Marketing

In todays time you want to be an expert of your products and services. To help you look like an expert is join forums. Remember you can not sale anything, just answer questions. Give advice on topics…NO SELLING…they will find you as an Expert. Google some reason loves forum on the internet…I have been on couple forums for years, and it always links back to my heavy equipment websites. Try it out…there are forums for heavy equipment, dogs, pets, sales, and so on. Remember to fill-out your profile to put a link of your domain in it.

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