Salesman WordPress Blog

Salesman WordPress Blog

As a salesman, you should start your own blog.  Expand the daily task of your life in a blog.  A successful salesman would put a blog together about the benefits of his/her products.  For example, I have a blog about heavy equipment, and heavy equipment parts.  Again don’t always sell on your blog.  Give opinions and advice!!!!  A blog is an online journal so use it to your advantage.

One of the best ways that I found to build a WordPress Blog on my own domain is having a Bluehost account.  They give you one free domain with purchase of the server for a year or more.  I never had any problems with them.  I have call customer service before and they are great.  Bluehost is a great company.  So go open a Bluehost account and START BLOGGING!!!!

Salesman Blogging

Salesman Blogging

To be successful in blogging is to be everywhere also…Create a Blogger/Blogspot, Weebly, and HubPages.  Remember to be successful in sales in today world you need to be everywhere.  And I can’t predict where Google will pick up your sites and put it in the search engine for ranking, so you can be found.  Just remember unique content on each different websites…I know it is a lot of work, but it will pay off.  Content, Content, Content.

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Salesman Tips that Help you Get Results

Salesman Tips that Help you Get Results

One of my favorite slogan is….GO WHERE YOUR CUSTOMERS ARE!!!!!

1.  Their are plenty of the organizations or association that you can join to network with prospects or customers.

2.  Ask for referrals from existing customers.  Your customers are the best advocates …Usually they are friends or acquaintances with their competitive.  In my business that another sales representative that I don’t need to pay.

3.  Send out postcards to your list of prospects and customers..Keep them in form…with a special coupon on each.

4.  Always, Always, Always,  Tele-market everyday!!!!!  It will paid off.  Make sure you plug in your information in your CRM Software.  Like ACT!!!  which is a Sage Software.

5.  Write a Blog on your Topic.  Do a post everyday to help drive traffic to your website.

6.  Become an expert in your field.  Read publications, product literature, go to conferences, and see speakers.

7.  Become a social media guru.  Use all of the social media platforms to create relevant list of prospects and customers.  (i.e. LinkedIN, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest)—Also see the AddThis button on this page for more

8.  Cold Call in the Field…Door knocking.. Find a publication of addresses and go see prospects

9.  Keep learning, keep learning, keep learning

This is just some tips on WAYS TO GET RESULTS IN SALES.

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Internet Video Master for Sales

Internet Video Master for Sales

If you want help with blasting through the internet with your video.  Here is a great suggestion to be the Best Salesman in the World.  You can publish photos, video, audio, and text…all in one push of a button.  The website is call Pixelpipe.  Try it….it works great.  Like most great people says, “Be everywhere”….This website will be a great start for you to become a great salesman.

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Squeeze Page Marketing

Squeeze Page Marketing

Are you using squeeze page marketing websites to collect email addresses.  One of the best ways to collect emails is using a couple page website with a video with a way to collect name, email, and maybe cell phone.  Like this.. .  Now I took away the main box to collect emails on the front page and put it on the Contact Page.  It works try it out.

Now if you are looking for help on how to create squeeze pages. Click Here!


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Magic Pill of Sales

Magic Pill of Sales

There is no magic pill of sales, Just Hard Work. But If you use all the tools of Internet Marketing…It is almost like having a magic pill.  You Have to use Video Marketing and Social Media Marketing.  I get call every day about heavy equipment that we promote on the web by my efforts of Internet Marketing.

Couple Different Video Sites that work for me

  • YouTube
  • Dailymotion
  • Metacafe

Those three are a great way to advertise your products and receive sales


Using Free Classified Sites for Internet Marketing

Using Free Classified Sites for Internet Marketing

Today I put a classified ad up for a Caterpillar D6R LGP and the phone light up.  We got calls all around the United States asking about that dozer.  I have been using classified sites for a long time for internet marketing.  Try it ….IT WORKS.  Try

It actually kinda fun to see if something like this work..try very appealing in your ad.

Have a great day and Happy Selling

Internet Marketing Strategies and Techniques

Internet Marketing Strategies and Techniques

Internet marketing is a trial and error.  Everybody wants the magic pill on how to internet market,,,but the real thing is to see what works in your industry.  What works very good in my industry is Video, so I market the video on different heavy equipment that we own.  Test the waters.  Some others could be blogging everyday about a internet topic that has to do with their product.  Again test the waters.  That is what so great about the internet…you can test, fail, and succeed.  If you were selling hair products for women then maybe the Social Media would be a fit in your Internet Marketing.

I personally use all Internet Marketing Techniques and Strategies, but it will take time to succeed.  If you need help, let me know.


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Guest Posting on Websites that are Relevant

Guest Posting on Websites that are Relevant

Here some examples, sales websites, marketing websites, business journals, newspapers that are business and sale related…THAT WHAT I WOULD DO FOR THIS WEBSITE!!!!!

What I mean by that is going to different website or blogs that have ways to leave comments that you can backlink back to your website.  It works awesome.  Don’t be a spamming saying, “Great Post”, or “I agree”.  Write a small paragraph referencing the blog post or articles or give great example of how you done something relevant about the topic.  AGAIN IT WORKS.  Again look or sound like an expert….

Also I forgot:  How to find websites that are relevant?  Use the power of Google!!!!  Search for your topics…and start POSTING!!!!!

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Join Forums to help your Marketing

Join Forums to help your Marketing

In todays time you want to be an expert of your products and services. To help you look like an expert is join forums. Remember you can not sale anything, just answer questions. Give advice on topics…NO SELLING…they will find you as an Expert. Google some reason loves forum on the internet…I have been on couple forums for years, and it always links back to my heavy equipment websites. Try it out…there are forums for heavy equipment, dogs, pets, sales, and so on. Remember to fill-out your profile to put a link of your domain in it.

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