Become an Email Marketing Salesman

Become an Email Marketing Salesman

I have use other email marketing programs and have not had success.  The one that I am using now is Constant Contact.  What I like about it…that it has the capabilities to share to all my Social Networks by the push of the button.  Plus it tracks the clicks in your email template.  If I was you I have them design your email template after your  website, so all the clicks in your email is track back track to your company website.  And what I mean by tracks, it comes with it own analytics.  To be successful with an email marketing plan you need to make it in engaging and inviting for the customers to contact you.  So try it out…you can’t lose.


Email Marketing a must for your business

Constant Contact

Constant Contact

Believing in Your Gut

Believing in Your Gut

You know when you have a feeling in your gut to do the right or don’t do the thing at all.  In sales, everybody likes to get the sale, but that feeling you get in your gut leading the customer in the wrong direction or your company.  STOP, THINK AND THEN REACT… works for me everyday in Sales.  Money is not everything…a customer will last longer coming back for more sales!!!!

So when your gut is talking to you LISTEN.

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Having Fun at Your Sales Job

Having Fun at Your Sales Job

Making your day go by fast is having fun with your job.  Just like when you are tele marketing on the phone….when speaking to the prospects…Smile and Laugh it goes far on the phone for success in Sales.  Make Humor a must at your job…with clean great practical jokes.

Also to have fun with telemarketing is standing up and walking around in your place of business.  If you sit down may sound a little down or sluggish…Get up and laugh and talk on the phone with customers and prospects.  You will see you have more success standing rather than sitting.  Make it fun!!!!!

Have contests with other sales reps…whoever sets the most appointments..get a gift card to their favorite restaurant or even a Gift Card from iTunes (of course they have to have an Apple product).  Again Make it Fun.

Have cold calling blitz…get a team of two salesman and go door knocking.  Again same concept as above with the gift cards.  Set appointments and get gift cards.  Make fun!!!

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Selling by Watching Non-Verbal Signals

Selling by Watching Non-Verbal Signals

To be successful in Sales, you need to watch and be aware of Non-Verbal Signals coming your ways.  In your presentation when speaking to your buyer or prospects….listen to their voice, look at their face and watch their eyes.  If you can master this you will have another notch on your belt becoming the Best Salesman in the World.  I studied non-verbal communications in College, I enjoyed it so much that I incorporate it in my daily life activities.  So go out and Sell!!!!!


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Being a Selling Machine

Being a Selling Machine

To be a selling machine…You have to have the mental mind set to success.  You need to religiously Tele-market on the phone everyday and also cold call in the field (Door Knocking).  Find publications to keep finding prospects….that will become customers.  Use Google to find prospects by search for the keywords.  For example finding Doctors in Arlington TX….Plenty will come up.  Becoming a selling machine….It works great!!!!  Keep Selling and Good Luck.


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Blogging for Sales

Blogging for Sales

What I mean is blog everyday a post about your topics and the sales will come.  Keep relevant content of your topic.  Content, Content, and more content…will have the search engines keep coming to your blog or website.  Again make selling a fun and challenging adventure…the rewards will come.  Be proactive is changing and testing what works and what doesn’t work.  Test, Test!!!!  So go out an blog at least one post a day…the Traffic will come over time!!!!

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Creating a Phone App for Sales

Creating a Phone App for Sales

Having a Phone App to drive sales is a must.  Again be ahead of your market and curve is a must.  I have a Heavy Equipment App in iTunes and Android Market.  It has drove traffic back to my websites, Youtube Videos, and Blog.  It works!!!!  I doesn’t have to be the best App in the market, but get one up.  You can always have a professional design a better one later.  Like I said it helps drive traffic back to me and creates SALES!!!!!

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Be a Productive Salesman


Be a Productive Salesman

To be ahead of the curve is to be very productive.  What I mean is contacting prospects and customers all time with specials and new products.  If you use your CRM Software…..You will be very successful….I know you have heard that from me before but you need to do it and try it.  I use the ACT Sage Software for years and still being very successful.  Here some thoughts on being productive:

  • Tele market all the time–“Get on the Phone”
  • Be in front of customers…(they also know their competition)
  • Use Social Media to Sell and Promote your products (LinkedIN)
  • Create a great List of Prospect and Customers (CRM Software)
  • Create a Email Mailing List
  • Create a Direct Mailing Strategy
  • Create a Great Website with a Blog
  • Create a Squeeze Page Website (to collect email addresses for Email Mailing List)
  • Create a Fan Page on Facebook for Like Minded People
  • Create an Industrial Group on LinkedIN
  • Create a Marketing Plan for Classified Sites
  • Look in to a Pay per Click Campaign
  • Create a Company Youtube Channel


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Driving Traffic to Your Website

Driving Traffic to Your Website

By driving traffic to your website will create sales for you.  As a salesman, you need to blog and write articles about the topics everyday.  Content, Content, Content.  Also share your blog posts on the Social Media World…(i.e. Twitter, LinkedIN, Facebook and so on).  On each page of THIS BLOG IS A ADD TO OR SHARE BUTTON…use some of the sites to drive traffic to your blog or websites (i.e. Reddit, StumbleUpon, Delicious and much more).

Remember make this FUN and Challenging….THE REWARDS WILL COME

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Content Marketing Salesman

Content Marketing Salesman

To be a great Content Marketing Machine Salesman…you have to Blog, Blog..a post everyday.  Talk about stuff that is relevant that you sell.  Try not to be a pushy salesman in your blog.  Give great informative snippets of information about your products.  Remember….CONTENT IS KING IN THE INTERNET WORLD.

So get away and start blogging on your website.  Make it fun and challenging at the same time.  Make a game out of it.  So go to Bluehost and open up an account and start blogging (WordPress—Simple Scripts) your way to successful in SALES.

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