Guest Posting on Websites that are Relevant

Guest Posting on Websites that are Relevant

Here some examples, sales websites, marketing websites, business journals, newspapers that are business and sale related…THAT WHAT I WOULD DO FOR THIS WEBSITE!!!!!

What I mean by that is going to different website or blogs that have ways to leave comments that you can backlink back to your website.  It works awesome.  Don’t be a spamming saying, “Great Post”, or “I agree”.  Write a small paragraph referencing the blog post or articles or give great example of how you done something relevant about the topic.  AGAIN IT WORKS.  Again look or sound like an expert….

Also I forgot:  How to find websites that are relevant?  Use the power of Google!!!!  Search for your topics…and start POSTING!!!!!

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Product Knowledge Salesman

Product Knowledge Salesman

Education is the key to be successful in selling your products.  So that means that you need to study.  What I also mean you need to know your products and your competitors products.  In heavy equipment sales/rentals, you need to the know the classes of equipment.  From Weight, models, what they do, how big the bucket is, and much more.  To be successful, you need knowledge…which can be learn.  You would be surprise when I talk to different heavy equipment rental salesman that don’t know the difference from one machine to the other.  If you are going to be in the business then you need to know the business.

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Join Forums to help your Marketing

Join Forums to help your Marketing

In todays time you want to be an expert of your products and services. To help you look like an expert is join forums. Remember you can not sale anything, just answer questions. Give advice on topics…NO SELLING…they will find you as an Expert. Google some reason loves forum on the internet…I have been on couple forums for years, and it always links back to my heavy equipment websites. Try it out…there are forums for heavy equipment, dogs, pets, sales, and so on. Remember to fill-out your profile to put a link of your domain in it.

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Salesman Tip of the Day

Salesman Tip of the Day

One tip for today…Are you using the tools that you have at your fingertips. A Smart Phone and Internet.  You can create great videos with your Smart Phone (IPhone) and upload to different sites.  Make great videos about your products everyday.  Your around it everyday.  I mean Video Marketing with YouTube.  One of the most powerful tools on the internet.  If you do it right, you can be on the first page of Google.  I upload eight video onto YouTube with keyword research and should be on the first page of Google in couple days.

These videos have people coming to our website and calling us for heavy equipment around the world.  Use the technology and THEY WILL COME.

And if you can not do it then let me know, I can HELP YOU.  JUST EMAIL ME BELOW.

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Becoming the Best Salesman in your company

Becoming the Best Salesman in your company in todays time you need to start learning how to build blogs, websites, and fans (Facebook, LinkedIN, Twitter). I have been doing internet marketing for my company for about seven years. And I how learned how to build websites from and, on their servers. But I learn from that I needed to learn how to build my own websites with my own servers…which it drove more traffic than the free sites. I use a company call Bluehost which you buy a domains and create a website/blog through their Simple Script of a  It works great.  Try it.  If you blog everyday about exciting things in your company or news around the world influences people to come read your blog.  Remember don’t always sell in your blogs.  Give informative information on your products, the customers will come to you.  Make yourself sound like an expert and the sells will come.  Make it fun and exciting and the reward will come!!!  If you would like some more information on the Bluehost…CLICK THE IMAGE LINK ON THE RIGHT.  Remember I don’t ask for any money to give you tips, I only get paid with affiliate links on my website.  So if you are interested in making a GREAT WEBSITE..THEN CLICK THE PICTURE LINK ON THE RIGHT THAT SAYS BLUEHOST.

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A Salesman that Knows How to Use the Internet

A Salesman that Knows How to Use the Internet

A salesman with one of the most powerful tools is the internet.  I have been putting heavy equipment on Classified sites for years…and let me tell you it works.  Oh did I tell it is FREE…Classified sites.  No money out of your pocket.   If you need help with this let me know.  I always got some tricks to help you with your ads.

Some sites you can update load videos, pictures, price, description  and much more.  Internet making is easy…just use the tools that help you become the BEST SALESMAN IN THE WORLD.  This internet marketing will drive traffic to your website to make you an expert on your profession.

I am using a tool right now to help me with the Classified site process to be a little faster on the submission.  I will keep you posted.

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Humor is great have for a Salesman

Humor is great have for a Salesman

Humor is a art that all salesman or sales people should have in their bag of tricks.  Funny stories always breaks the barriers or ice.  Don’t over sell your humor…what I mean is to remember….that again…”People buy from People they Like!!!  So be your self with a twist of Great Humor.  Always Smile…and keep the conversation going.

Always come up with your own joke to break the ice….before you discuss anything!!!!

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Making a Great Salesman of Today

Making a Great Salesman of Today

I believe making a great salesman is having a person who never learn sells before.  Let me explain, I would take new energetic person in a Sale job before I take a veteran, because the well polish veteran comes with skeletons in the closet.  I can always train a new person that is excited with life and energy to be successful in any sales job, but trying to change a veteran with the times of new technology and new technique…is VERY DIFFICULT.  But I can change the veteran if they want today’s knowledge.  If they read my blog posts.

Veteran Salesman need to learn the new ways with CRM Software, Smart Phones (iPhones), Tablets, Internet, Research Website to find Leads, and much more…

Keep Reading my Blog…..and I will help you…New Salesman and Veteran Salesman.

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Start a Blog for your products as a Sales Tool

Start a Blog for your products as a Sales Tool

Starting a blog is one of the easy tools to do as a salesman.  Talk about the benefits of your products.  Share stories of your products that help, inspire and even much more.  Share with the world.  Try not to sell…again be true to your readers…DON’T ALWAYS SELL ON YOUR BLOG, or you will lose readers.

Blogging is a tool to create a name of you and your brand…Use it.  It is a very powerful tool.  Make it fun and challenging, it could be rewarding in the future.  Create a information website/blog about news in your industry (i.e. heavy equipment–that is what I did).

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Be Yourself as a Great Salesman

Be Yourself as a Great Salesman

Always be true to yourself and good times will happen to you.  Don’t try to be a Hard Sell Salesman….be true to yourself and your prospects or customers.  In the long run you will keep your customers doing business with you.  A Salesman has it ups and downs and when you are true to your customers, they will always have your back.  Give them honesty, loyal pricing, and support.

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