About Kevin

Salesman that has been very successful and ready to share.

Internet Marketing Highway

Internet Marketing Highway

Sorry I haven’t been around for a far…with the Holidays and Family in town I have been busy.  But I haven’t stop internet marketing with different tools like Youtube.  Video Marketing is very hot…I get calls everyday about the videos.  People want to buy machines or buy parts from us.  If you do it a lot you will become a selling machine.  Another weapon in internet marketing for you.  Don’t forget to make your channel in Youtube play automatic when someone lands on your channel.  That will give you more hits through that main video on your channel.  Always friend people that do the same thing you do…Like Heavy Construction Equipment.  (Like me)  They will comment and you should do too.  If you have time make it a point to learn everything about YouTube.


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Internet Marketing with Videos


Internet Marketing with Videos

What I mean with that phrase above is video marketing like a superstar.  There is couple easy tricks you need to learn first:

  • Video your products or information like you know what you are talking about
  • Educate the viewers (i.e. Caterpillar 980H Wheel Loader…talk about tires, hours and so on)
  • After you are done with the video then go to Google Keyword Tool..and do some research on how to get on the first page of Google search page…(I try to look for 300,000 to 500,000 search queries–that is just my opinion)
  • Ok you have your name of the title ready….Now upload to YouTube (you can upload to other video site later)
  • Give a good description for the section below the video….ADD A LINK BACK TO THE YOUR WEBSITE WHERE THAT PRODUCT IS!!!!
  • Give good meta tags that relate to video and description.

Finally repeat this process over and over and over…it should bring you a lot of Sales

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Internet Marketing like a Rockstar

Internet Marketing like a Rockstar

Internet Marketing is a fun and challenging art of marketing that you need to do to be a successful company.  With internet marketing in your back pocket as a salesman…you will become the best salesman in the world.  If you do your videos right you can be on the first page of Google Search Engine.  Do your Google Keyword Research….so you can be on the first page of the search engines.  Blog like a king with great post that people want to read about.  Post on all Social Media Site:  Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Tumblr, Reddit, and much more.

The thing about internet marketing you need to try everything once to see what works for you.  The more Internet Marketing you do…the more links back to your website to make you higher rank in search engines.  If you need help contact me.

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Customer Care Salesman

Customer Care Salesman

To be a great salesman or the best…you have to be great a customer care.  Do not ignore customers calls or question about anything even if they will not like the answer.  Be true to your customers will keep a customer for life.  For example, if a machine break down that you rented to them…get on it fast with a mechanic or send out a different unit.  Remember you are nothing without customers.  And when customers are mad….JUST LISTEN, it goes a long way.  Be great a customer care, become a the best salesman in the company.  Go out and try it.

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Be a Honest Salesman with a Winning Attitude

Be a Honest Salesman with a Winning Attitude

A great salesman with a honest and winning attitude will always win in the long run.  Remember if you have a product malfunction, be honest and help them.  You don’t want to sell your customer once, you want to sell them multiple times.  So be honest…customers will always come back.  Also a thing that I do is do the unexpected…give them a credit for downtime or a credit on their invoice.  Be ahead of the curve…a lot of companies don’t do anything.

What I mean about the Winning Attitude is to be very positive in taking care of your customers and be honest.

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Collecting Leads

Collecting Leads is one of the best way to be successful in Sales.  You don’t always sell your first initial stop with a new prospect.  You work them with a phone call, email and/or just dropping in on them.  The more times you touch a prospect the higher chance they will become a customer.  By using a couple tools…your CRM Software, your email collecting methods like Constant Contact and just your skills to communicate on the phone or in person.  I like i said before it does not happen over night…Hard work become a great salesman in the future.  Whatever you are selling you need to collect information about the prospect!!!!   I have done business with so many guys that switch construction companies that wherever they go I do business with them.  Collect the information and keep up with your prospects and customers at all times.

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A Listening Salesman

A Listening Salesman

When talking to prospects and customers…you need to shut up and listen.  One of the number one problems is salesman does not listen on appointments…they do all the talking.  You need to ask questions that prospects will do all the talking.   Sit there and don’t talk.  Here is a great video “what not to do”!!!!

Marketing like a Champion

Marketing like a Champion

Become a Marketing Selling Champion Salesman….by just doing the little things with mailers, emails, direct mail, and promotion gift (i.e. pens with your logo).  Some times you have to do the unexpected for your customers.  Like give them a credit on their bill for returning your equipment early off of rent.  That just an example that I would do.

Marketing is a Trial and Error Process…you need to try what works in your industry.  I do video marketing, blogging, social media, direct mail to contractors, email marketing to the list of 10000 companies, promotion items (hats and pens), and much more.  Make it fun and challenging…you will enjoy it.

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Salesman should be a Self Motivator

Salesman should be a Self Motivator

What I mean by that is that you need to motivate yourself to do your job.  You will get No, No, No and more.  But a great salesman will knock it off their shoulders and move to the next Yes.  You need to keep motivating yourself to success.  Listen to great Audio Books and/or podcasts.  Don’t give up…keep pushing forward for a yes.  If you are not having luck on the phone today then go outside for a walk or go in the field to go Door Knocking.  Sales is fun and challenging…Enjoy!!!!

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Internet Marketing Workshops for Salesman

Internet Marketing Workshops for Salesman

To be a great salesman, you need to understand how the internet can help you.  By learning the basics in Internet Marketing…it can create you to become a Selling Machine.  By doing video marketing..you can sell you products with a informational video.  By blogging you can create an expert forum by your industry.  By doing social media marketing you can create a Fan page of individuals with the same interests.  Internet Marketing is very power.

What I mean about a internet marketing workshop is that you have to learn the tools of the trade.  It takes work but in the long run you will make money from the internet. So keep educating yourself with books, podcasts, videos, and workshops (Meetup Groups).  Or keep reading my blog….I will do my best in educating you.

On this page is an Affiliate Link on Bluehost..that is the first step…by having a Host Account for your website.  Join Bluehost for your hosting.  And if I am helping you excel please join it through my Links…so I can help pay for my time for Free Tips.

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