Salesman Tip of the Day

Salesman Tip of the Day

One tip for today…Are you using the tools that you have at your fingertips. A Smart Phone and Internet.  You can create great videos with your Smart Phone (IPhone) and upload to different sites.  Make great videos about your products everyday.  Your around it everyday.  I mean Video Marketing with YouTube.  One of the most powerful tools on the internet.  If you do it right, you can be on the first page of Google.  I upload eight video onto YouTube with keyword research and should be on the first page of Google in couple days.

These videos have people coming to our website and calling us for heavy equipment around the world.  Use the technology and THEY WILL COME.

And if you can not do it then let me know, I can HELP YOU.  JUST EMAIL ME BELOW.

Thanks for coming to the Daily Sales Snippet