Listen to Podcasts with Your Smart Phone

Listen to Podcasts with Your Smart Phone

By listening to Podcasts on your way to work and home…is a great way to motivate you…or even educate you. Their are Sales Podcasts, Management Podcasts, Internet Podcasts, and so on. Listen to them and test what is being educated to you. Todays times you can educate yourself to success in any field you want to achieve. Zig Ziglar has a great Sales/Motivate Podcast in iTunes. So plug away and learn from some of the Greats!!!!!


Salesman Using Apps on Smart Phone

Salesman Using Apps on Smart Phone

I use my Smart Phone everyday for the Apps to make me a more productive salesman. There are Application that you can scan a prospect business card and email you back to the office to store in your CRM Software. The Adobe Reader App, you can store important documents like Credit Application, Brochures and Specs of your products…email straight out of your smart phone when the customer ask at your appointment or on your way out of the appointment. So while the prospects are on the way back to their desk…the documents are in their email inbox. The YouTube App that you can video your products in HD and upload straight from your Smart Phone. All your Social Networks has Apps that you can access on your Smart Phone…Use the Technology!!! Another great App is the Voice Recorder app to give you reminders and record important messages. To do list Apps are a great way to be more productive and knock the things off your list.

Another Great Application is Google Drive, where you can store documents, pictures, videos, and much more. You can add this to your Desktop company at work, home and on Smart Phone….and them be able to share all the information on all the devices. It works Great!!!!

That just a couple great apps to my you a more productive salesman. There are 10s of 1000 much more.

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Salesman Tip of the Day

Salesman Tip of the Day

One tip for today…Are you using the tools that you have at your fingertips. A Smart Phone and Internet.  You can create great videos with your Smart Phone (IPhone) and upload to different sites.  Make great videos about your products everyday.  Your around it everyday.  I mean Video Marketing with YouTube.  One of the most powerful tools on the internet.  If you do it right, you can be on the first page of Google.  I upload eight video onto YouTube with keyword research and should be on the first page of Google in couple days.

These videos have people coming to our website and calling us for heavy equipment around the world.  Use the technology and THEY WILL COME.

And if you can not do it then let me know, I can HELP YOU.  JUST EMAIL ME BELOW.

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